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2 Translation results for distress in Spanish

noun | verb

distress noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
dolor, angustia, aflicción

Example sentences of
distress noun

  • Citizens voiced their distress over delays in fixing the problem.
  • The patient showed no obvious signs of distress.
  • He suffered severe emotional distress as a result of the accident.

Synonyms of
distress noun

Detailed synonyms for distress noun

Distress, suffering, misery, agony, anguish, torment significan la condición de experimentar gran pena o dolor físico o mental.
  • Distress indica una causa externa de gran presión y tensión física o mental y suele connotar la posibilidad o necesidad de alivio <her distress over her son's disappearance>.
  • Suffering indica el aguante consciente de dolor o aflicción y, a menudo, una aceptación estoica <attempts to lessen the patient's suffering>.
  • Misery recalca la desdicha que acompaña la aflicción o el sufrimiento, y suele connotar un carácter sórdido, abyecto o aburridamente pasivo <most of the country's poor live in misery>.
  • Agony connota un dolor demasiado intenso para ser tolerado por el cuerpo o la mente <in agony over their daughter's suicide>.
  • Anguish connota sufrimiento, pena o dolor extremo <cries of anguish>.
  • Torment sugiere dolor físico extremo o especialmente mental, generalmente de alguna duración <none of his friends perceived his inner torment>.

distress verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
distressed, has distressed, is distressing, distresses
afligir, darle pena (a alguien), hacer sufrir

Example sentences of
distress verb

  • don't let all the bad news distress you

Synonyms of
distress verb

Detailed synonyms for distress verb

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Reverse translation for distress

dolor  - pain, ache, grief, sorrow 
angustia  - anguish, distress, anxiety, worry 
aflicción  - grief, sorrow 
afligir  - to distress, to upset, to afflict 
darle pena  (a alguien)